Friday, October 14, 2005


One of my closest friends told me she had a dream about me a couple of weeks ago. I just popped into Missouri from Africa and said, "Let's do lunch."

A Malay friend in Iowa City (that I haven't talked to in a long time!) had a dream two months ago that I became Muslim and was wearing the headscarf.

Let's stretch waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back and remember that after I left Malaysia and was back in the US, Malay A. dreamt I was going to win the lotto. And then an Indian man that neither of us knew actually walked up to him on the street in Melacca and told him that the mat salleh (white girl) in his life would win the lottery...and then we would be married. That was kind of eerie, but I haven't won yet. Guess I can't win if I'm not playing...

Any one else dreaming about me?

Well, why not!?!?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can I dream about you?!?! I don't even know what you look like with long hair!
Good work on the flurry of posts. Gave me something to read while I ate my Cinnamon Toast Crunch. (I normally still each pizza or bagels for breakfast, but mom and dad strongly encouraged me to buy cereal and today I was actually in the mood for it!)

I'm getting sick of cooking for myself... I bought a lot of frozen things last night at the grocery store. Oh! This is exciting--the "health food store" (a la The Co-op) is CHEAPER here than normal stores! Funny, huh?

Okay, I should ramble to you in an email rather than a post here...

I hope you know who this is by now. :)

You were in a dream of mine recently tho, I do remember that. I actually have not had a night here yet where I haven't dreamt. I think it's how I'm adjusting to all these changes and things. But the craziest one was one where I was fighting Nazis! I was in a war jeep and throwing granades at them. I've never had a war dream... Let alone one with Nazis in it...

5:03 PM  

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