Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bumps in the Throat

It was about 1 am when I looked in my mouth. I'd been having the feeling of something being stuck in my throat--like a peanut shell kind of sensation--for a couple of hours. As I directed the flashlight to get a better view, I saw bumps at the back of my throat. And I freaked.

This is my first major medical freak out in Africa, which isn't bad considering I'm approaching my second anniversary. I imagined the bumps growing and my throat closing up. At least I had Will next door, but I wasn't even sure what medical facility I would go to. I guess when last I thought about a medical emergency, I knew Jane would take care of me! But she's been gone since July...

Googling "bumps in throat" I saw a lot about white bumps, but mine weren't white. One QA board with a similar inquiry suggested the bumps were tastebuds. Ha. Ha. The other stuff I found said it could be cancer, syphillis, or an allergic reaction. That didn't offer any relief from my hypocondriac-ness. So I called my mother. I wanted her nursing advice, and though it's cruel to worry a mother, so far away, that's the way it goes. She sounded concerned, which didn't help my mental state any.

Then I remembered Greg's words at the Voodoo Market on Sunday: "Don't breathe too deeply---there could be anthrax in that animal fur."


A quick Google search of 'anthrax symptoms' diminished that fear for the most part. IMing with Heather, she consulted with a doctor friend also on IM. He didn't say I should rush to a hospital, so that kind of calmed me down, too.

This morning I decided to go get checked out. Not because the bumps hurt, but because I am headed to Burkina Faso and Mali tomorrow for a three week holiday and wouldn't want to have to find an English-speaking clinic there or have a paranoia relapse.

I've avoided going to the doctor here as much as possible. I had a malaria and typhoid test once, but that was just at the MedLab, not with a doctor. I had a physical for work and later a TB test. The only other time I was sick, I self-medicated (antibiotics) because a coworker had just spend 7 hours waiting at a clinic when she had malaria. Ugh. I also figured I'd come away with a worse illness than I went in with from germ exposure.

But my visit today was painless. I called the German clinic at 11 am and was told the General Practicioner was on till noon. Round trip time to and from home was just over an hour. My work insurance covered the visit and the meds, so I didn't have to pay a dime. The Indian doctor thought it could be viral or an allergic reaction. I hadn't eaten anything strange, so maybe something airborne--the air is nasty from the strong harmattan (sandstorm) right now.

Now I have a new local 'next of kin,' a clinic I'm not afraid to go to, and some bumps in my throat.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fetish Market in Togo

All the ingredients you need to cast your magic spell.

Flight over Honey Bear Lane

J.J. took us up in a small plane during his visit. This is the view of our house!


Katrina's always been scared of flying. Just look at the sheer terror in her eyes. Dave says he still has a nose print in his arm. This may be one of my favorite pictures of Katrina ever!

Pilot, Plane and Parents

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