Monday, October 09, 2006

I Beg

Please, I have a favor to ask. I'm down on my knees.

If you are the person who visits my blog fairly regularly from "Longwood Medical Area Network" in Boston, could you pretty pretty please tell me who you are?

I've been living with this mystery for too long! Give me some peace of mind---or at least a clue!

Sierra Leone in September

The new US Embassy fortress...the Regional Security Officer gave us a packet of information. Among other things, it said, "Though most locals are annoying, few are actually dangerous to you." Most locals are annoying?! In an official embassy document?! egads.

More tall buildings than Accra! Though many are unused from crumbling and damage from RUF attacks.

Not just laughing cow cheese this time! We expanded to cup o noodles and PB&J.

Sitting on the helicopter with my roommate Heather.

Street scene.
Saturday downtown.
Dawn view from the hotel (sun was still rising and setting in the same place!)
Storm moves in.

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