Monday, February 14, 2005

I Spy With My Little Eye

quiet residential street on sunday when everyone is at church, teshie estates

Quiet residential street on a Sunday, while everyone is at church. Teshie Estates, Feb 13, 2005

compound 'annex'

The compound "annex" where I was staying when I first arrived.

water reserve at compound

The metal containers at right are the water reserves from which I would fetch water to bathe.

sol doing wash

Solomon doing his wash in the courtyard. Washing machines aren't very common at all and clothes that are hung out to dry should be ironed to kill these little buggers that nest into the cloth and then INTO YOUR SKIN! EWWWWWW!

davis at storefront

Many homes have a store out the front of their house. This is Davis, Charlotte's brother, at our compound store. He tried to help me learn to carry a bucket with water on my head, but that's going to be more than a one-day lesson!

some kids in the area

Some of the kids in the neighborhood.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brianna liked your title (I Spy With My Little Eye) and she liked your pictures too.
Can't imagine why...she loves that game!

8:59 PM  

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